Nodes in action:
update: 2019/02/17
A few bits of code related to nodes in action:
– Lists of available nodes in action
– Create (add) a new action node (my_action)
– Add (create) new nodes in my_action
– Lists nodes found in my_action and list their attributes
You’ll have to replace the Flame version in:
my_action.import_fbx(“/opt/Autodesk/presets/2019.2/models/FBX/Hypershade_Teapot.fbx”, cameras = False, lights = False)
… where 2019.2 is the version
import flame # ############################# # CREATE A NEW ACTION my_action1 = flame.batch.create_node("Action") = "MY_ACTION1" my_action1.pos_x = -500 my_action1.pos_y = -200 # ALL AVAILABLE NODES in action print "Available action node types: " print '' for n in my_action1.node_types: print n # ############################# # CREATE A NEW ACTION my_action2 = flame.batch.create_node("Action") = "MY_ACTION2" my_action2.pos_x = -500 my_action2.pos_y = 0 # CREATE SOME NODES (a bunch of different ones) myCamera = my_action2.create_node("Camera 3D") myLight = my_action2.create_node("Light") myShadow = my_action2.create_node("Shadow Cast") myGeom = my_action2.import_fbx("/opt/Autodesk/presets/2019.2/models/FBX/Hypershade_Teapot.fbx", cameras = False, lights = False) myShader = my_action2.create_node("Shader") myIBL = my_action2.create_node("IBL") myMatchbox = my_action2.create_node("Matchbox") # PRINTS NODE'S ATTRIBUTES (nodes found in my_action) print " " print "-"*30 for node in my_action2.nodes: print str(node.type) + ': ' + str(node.attributes) # Organize schematic my_action2.organize() # ############################# # CREATE A NEW ACTION my_action3 = flame.batch.create_node("Action") = "MY_ACTION3" my_action3.pos_x = -500 my_action3.pos_y = 200 print "All Possible nodes:" print '' for n in my_action3.node_types: print n print " " print "-"*30 print 'Excepting some nodes (Lightbox, Matchbox, Surface: ' print '' for node in my_action3.node_types: if str(node) != "Lightbox" and str(node) != "Surface" : print node my_action3.create_node(node) # PRINTS FOUND NODE'S ATTRIBUTES print " " print "-"*30 print "Nodes Attributes: " print " " for node in my_action3.nodes: print str(node.type) + ': ' + str(node.attributes) # Organize schematic my_action3.organize()
test to add insert python scripts in a single post.
and a little more text